Tuesday 1 December 2009

Age Concern at Willsbridge Mill

We had a great turn out on Thursday 26th November for a walk around Willsbridge Mill, seventeen of us all together. Although the weather continued to tease us with the threat of heavy rain we managed to get away with just one light showering. Not that that would have stopped this group as they seemed to be hardened walkers and very keen not to enjoy the area.

We began with a chat about the geology of the site and how it had changed over the last 300 million years. We then talked a little about the history of the mill. Some of the group could remember the floods that happened in the late 1960's that finally closed the mill for good. Whilst walking around the valley, we talked about the different habitats, plant life and animals that live on the reserve. We also talked about the Dramway that used to run between Coalpit Heath and the river Avon. One of the group, Fred, pointed out that the piece of rail used in the sculpture on the old Dramway was actually very different to the original rail which would be more like a piece of angle iron and 'L' shaped. (The sculpture stays though I'm afraid, Fred). However, this is what I love about these kind of walks: finding out what others know about the area and the history. People who've lived here all there lives and have a story or two to tell. The walk finished with a hot drink at the mill, at which point the sun fully committed it's self for a good half hour so we chatted some more. For me, a very enjoyable morning and a lovely group of people, Simon: simonsmith@avonwildlifetrust.org.uk